Brienne is 5900 Health’s founding healthcare provider with over 20 years experience.  She loves taking care of people of all ages from infants to the elderly. Her patients benefit from her holistic and natural approach to their health. She believes healthcare should be a team approach with the goal being wellness and disease prevention.   

Brienne grew up in Parker, Colorado. She studied nursing at Baylor University and received her Bachelor of Science degree while she worked and trained at Baylor University Medical Center.  There, she gained experience in critical care, neurology and trauma. After graduation, she moved back to Colorado and worked in pediatric critical care, adult critical care, and emergency medicine.  She obtained her Master's Degree in Nursing from Regis University in Denver where she specialized as a Family Nurse Practitioner.   She has also worked in women's health, primary care, urgent care, and integrative medicine.

Brienne is married with four children.  She loves camping, boating, skiing, reading, and watching her children play sports. Her greatest support to the practice is modeling a family and work balance.


Melissa is a certified life and success coach, as well as certified in breathwork and meditation. She supports our patients in meeting their health goals so they can live their most healthy life. While the focus is health she is well versed in coaching the whole person - mind, body, and soul. 

By working  closely with you and your practitioner to create a personal coaching experience Melissa will help you take your goals and make them a reality. The coaching process follows a similar pattern for everyone but is still unique to the individual. We take the health of our patients very seriously and the ability to incorporate personalized coaching for each patient sets 5900 Health apart.